Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chrysler PT Cruiser Chrome Accessories.

Interesting news from Chrysler today: apparently, the much-maligned, decidedly unsafe, recently shelved
PT Cruiser isn't headed for the graveyard just yet. The update comes via a bland, stilted tweet from a staffer deep inside pentastar headquarters (could someone please get those folks some coffee?), but we suppose "Chrysler announces PT Cruiser will remain in production" is clear enough.

2001-2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser photographed in USA.Image via Wikipedia

And we're guessing that means "beyond the existing 2011 extension".

Chrysler PT Cruiser Chrome Accessories are without a doubt, one of the easiest and most effective ways to identify your vehicle with custom presence and power. The inescapable sparkle of Chrysler PT Cruiser Chrome Trim is at your fingertips right here at CARiD. We’re home to the widest selection of top-quality Chrysler PT Cruiser Chrome Accessories on the market and we have the inventory to prove it. Pillar Posts, Port Holes, Fender Trim, and more are available. Each piece is precision-cut to deliver a concise OEM fit to your vehicle as well as a lifelong glossy finish. Only grade-A materials such as Stainless Steel and ABS plastic are used to ensure the kind of unflinching durability that goes the distance. Also, installation is a snap.

Chrysler Chrome Accessories come backed with auto-strength 3M adhesive for a quick “stick on” application. It’s safe, fast, and dramatic. But then again, you shouldn’t have to stress making your car into a classier, flashier ride, should you?

Chrysler Accessories

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cars & Girls.

Hey Guys,
CARiD is now holding a contest on our site looking for Cars & Girls Models of the Month. Each winner will receive $500 cash and of course, have their picture on our site. We are currently looking for model contestants for November. The deadline is the 25th of each month to be eligible for the upcoming month. So if you or someone you know is interested in participating just click CARS & GIRLS to check out the official rules and details. There is only one winner per month so get your entries in ASAP!

A1GP - Grid girlImage by E01 via Flickr

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